About ILC
Immanuel Lutheran Church began with a small number of German Lutherans meeting in Alice Texas homes in 1913. Our first pastor was Rev. A. Kluge. Our current building was built in 1956 under the leadership of Pastor H.C. Gold. Immanuel has always been a “Purpose Driven Church” focused on the five purposes of worship, fellowship with other believers, education, service to others and sharing Christ with the world and our community. We celebrated 100 years in ministry as a congregation in 2015!
ILC Leadership
Our governing body at Immanuel Lutheran Church is an elected Church Council and along with the Pastor it makes decisions in the spiritual education and life of the congregation as well as handling the day to day business of the church. These men and women have a passion for service to the Lord and are dedicated to serving Him and the congregation.

ILC Church Council
Congregational Officers:
Amy Koenning-President
Darrell Kennemer-Vice President
Brandy Kennemer-Secretary
Church Council:
Open – Christian Life
Billy Scoggins – Communications
Open – Education
Alicia Carlisle – Worship
Bill Botard – Property & Grounds
Melba Andersen – Stewardship
Open – Youth
Meet the Staff
The ILC Story
Our worship service is centered around the preaching of the Word and the Sacraments (Baptism and Communion). We have a strong music program which includes a pipe organ, choirs, brass choir and a children’s hand bell chior. We also have several guest soloists throughout the year. Immanuel believes in God’s power to heal and bless us today, just as He did in the early church. In the early 1990’s Pastor Fox instituted annual blessings. They include a family blessing on Christmas Eve and a community blessing of teachers in August and blessings for veterans, children starting school, and house blessings.
Immanuel loves to fellowship together! Every Sunday following worship we gather in the Fellowship Hall for coffee and treats. This is a great opportunity to to meet our visitors, get to know new members and catch up with our seasoned ones. Our men’s and women’s groups meet monthly for fellowship, and we offer occasional Fellowship Trips to nearby places of interest. We have annual women’s retreats and a strong church camp program in the Texas hill country.
We currently have Children’s Sunday School at 9:00 a.m. and adult Bible study at 9 & 11:15 a.m on Sunday morning. Confirmation classes for 7th-9th grade students during the school year.
We have many ministries in which people can explore and exercise their spiritual gifts. From creative writing to music to technology, community service projects and teaching our youth in Sunday school or leading a ladies craft project, there is a place at Immanuel to exercise the gifts and talents God gave you!
Missions happen every day as we share the Gospel with folks we meet. We believe that we live in the Mission Field and are serious about sharing Christ with our neighbors! Through the Women of the Church organization, our “Quilting Ladies” make and send out quilts around the world through Lutheran World Relief. Health and school kits are gathered each year for Lutheran World Relief. We support local relief agencies with our time and money as well.